Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Devil May Cry 4 Jump Cancel Tutorial (INFO IN DESCRIPTION)

go to 0:35 to start the tutorial. my controller configuration is: XBOX 360 RT=jump RB=lock on Y=Fire (long range weapon) X=melee (short range weapon) B= style move A=melee weapon switch PS3: R2=jump R1=lock on /\=fire (long range weapon) []=melee weapon x=melee weapon scroll to practice jump cancel you should be VERY CLOSE to the enemy, if you practice with the pandoras gattling gun, you can press the LEFT STICK towards the enemy while jump canceling the pandoras gattling gun. To practice you should note that the little PAUSE between the jumping and the canceling the animation is the same ammount of time, you need to try to press the button at the right time. ENEMY STEP is also a great beginning to start and learn jump canceling in dmc 4. it can help your fingers to learn the rhythem required for jump canceling. TIP: use bigger enemies like bosses or those big scare crows, it makes learning to jump cancel a whole lot easier. It is a little more tricky when you use smaller enemies to practice various jump canceling moves. Just look for what is easy for you to do. TIP:ANY button configurations may work, as long as you press the buttons at the right time, I found it easier to customize my controls to make it easier for my fingers, because when you are playing bloody palace your fingers can get tired. The easiest moves to learn jump cancel are: Rebellion: helmet breaker (dante slashes towards the ground with a cut straight down) Gilgamesh: full house (dante rushes towards the ...

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